Please support the Mackay Area Fish Stocking Assn (MAFSA) by entering your fishing data into the survey.
Thank You.





Mackay Area Fish Stocking Association

Established in 1994

To add fishing data for Eungella Dam, Kinchant Dam, Teemburra Dam & the Pioneer River Weirs please use form below or follow the link to open in a new page.

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To open survey form in it’s own page go to


What is MAFSA Inc and what are the aims?

MAFSA is an Association of volunteers dedicated to improving freshwater recreational fishing in Mackay area, by the following:-

  • Replenish the Pioneer River fisheries degraded by weir obstructions
  • Stock Eungella, Kinchant and Teemburra dams
  • Ensure access for recreational anglers
  • Protect, preserve, enhance promote and educate on the value of Mackay’s freshwater fisheries
  • Consult and liase with all levels of government and their departments

Community benefits from MAFSA

  • Renowned freshwater fishery reducing impact on saltwater fishery
  • World- wide publicity via television programs (ABT, AFC, & others), nationwide fishing publications, monthly exposure via QFM
  • Flow on financial bonus to local businesses from fishing related tourism

Major contribution to enhancing  the “liveability” of Mackay

MAFSA’s Main Achievements

  • Released overall total of 2,410,490 fingerlings as at 31/08/2020
  • As at 31/08/2020 have bred and released 929,464 sooty grunter fingerlings
  • Construct, upgrade and maintain the Rob Symons hatchery and equipment to breed sooty grunter and grow out barramundi
  • Delegate appointed to the SIP committee, and 2020 Australia Day MRC Environmental Achievement Award
  • Host State wide fish stocking workshop and attend others
  • Construct or assist with constructing fishways in Middle, Reliance, Cattle, St Helens, Plane, Oonooie creeks and Mackay Lagoons
  • Released overall total of 2,410,490 fingerlings as at 31/08/2020
  • Environmental barramundi stocking in Gooseponds for tilapia control and tagging barramundi for research in Gooseponds and Pioneer river
  • Establish riparian and aquatic habitat at Lagoons and Kinchant Dam
  • Run annual World Sooty Grunter Championship at Eungella dam
  • Recognised by DAF, MRC, FFSAQ  as a high achieving volunteer group

MAFSA Mackay Area Fish Stocking Association Eungella Dam Kinchant Dam Teemburra Dam Mirani Weir Dumbleton Weir FFSAQ Freshwater Fishing Stocking Association of Qld Marian Weir Pioneer River Fishing Barramundi Sooty Grunter Fisheries Queensland Track My Fish ANSA Suntag Restocking Boating Boat Angler Sunwater Native Fish Barra SIP DAF Stocked Impoundment Permit data survey study research science Manage management Sunwater Broken River Mackay Regional Council Fish Hatchery ABT Tournament Sooties Angling Boat Boating Competition Sleepy Cod Great Barrier Reef Fishery fly lure fishing


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Many thanks to for supporting this initiative.
Ausfish is Australia’s Premier Fishing Forum. Go to

Thank you to Sweetwater Fishing Australiafor supporting this page.
As the name suggests, Sweetwater Fishing is a site dedicated to the great freshwater fish of Australia. Go to Sweetwater Fishing Australia

Data collected from these fishing surveys is for the purpose of evaluating, measuring & monitoring fisheries; primarily waterways stocked with native fish.
The surveys also lend themselves to individual research programs, or fishing competitions.
Data collected is for the individual restocking groups / researchers use. Data collected is not for the purpose of on-selling to 3rd party.
Data may be shared with Fisheries department upon request.